Public SpeakingProgrammed To Win

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Lessons in High Level Performance Getting The Results You Want ReProgram Your Brain For Success!

  • Ever wonder why two very similar players in height, weight and athletic ability don't achieve the same results? Why one retires from sports at an early age and why the other goes on to play college or professional ball? Why do players succeed and why do they fail? Is just learning how to throw and hit a ball enough?

    Not really, it's all in the mental and physical energy you possess. It's in the Five "Full Armor" Tools that every person should know to achieve excellence and to live the life that they imagined.

    Want to know the secret? Check out Chuck's DVD or have Chuck come to your team, club or organizational meeting and show you how anyone can improve their situation, whether it's sports or business. The same rules apply.


  • I met Chuck in college during the early '80s. Shortly after coming to East Carolina University to play football, Chuck was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. What was astounding to me about Chuck was his outlook on life during this time. He never had a "woe is me" attitude. No matter how bad the pain or treatments were, Chuck never missed a football game. He amazed me with his determination, strength, and optimistic attitude. There were times if I did not know any different; I would not have guessed Chuck was battling cancer. Outwardly, he was living life like any normal college student. He made sure those around him were having fun, which was easy due to his infectious personality, and not dwelling on his sickness. I have not known many people at a young age who could handle being far from home and family, battling cancer, going through painful treatments, all the while honoring his commitment to the football program with such courage and an upbeat attitude. He was an inspiration to ECU, the community, and me. I asked him to come speak to the senior student-athletes at the high school where I coach. I remembered what an inspiration he was to me and wanted to share his story with our seniors. Many of the athletes, parents, and coaches commented on how much they enjoyed listening to Chuck.

    Since then I have learned his determination, strength and optimistic attitude has been something he has exhibited throughout his adult life. While talking several months ago, Chuck shared he had faced several serious health conditions since college. Once again, I was amazed by his positive attitude. I remember making the comment "The Good Lord has kept you alive because you have a story to tell." I truly believe Chuck has a story to share which he is doing so through his motivational speaking and training academy. I have used several of Chuck's motivational teachings either with my volleyball players or in my personal life. He has a zest for life and passion for helping others whether they are young athletes or business professionals.

    I feel I am privileged to know Chuck. He made a positive impression on me as a young college student and has again many years later. I hope that in the future many more people can get the opportunity to experience the inspirational path of Chuck's life just as I have.

    Allyson Gordon, Assistant Athletic Director Head Coach Varsity Volleyball, Socastee High School Myrtle Beach, SC

  • "I have known about Chuck for several years now and have now come to know Chuck personally. It is ever so apparent that after obtaining his college degree from Villanova University as well as spending thirty (30) years in the behavioral health field, he has become the leading authority on personal growth and achievement. Chuck has taken his knowledge and has provided the "Full Armor" training methods to his athletes as well as the business community. There is no guess work, it is truly amazing, Chuck has figured out how life works."

    Kevin J. Farrell President and CEO

    "Chuck Bushbeck, you are remarkable. What a gift and inspiration. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and talent."

    Melissa Anderson

    Chuck and I met while we were in college. He was a noted athlete and we moved in the same circles. We met there and became fast friends. We remain friends to this day.

    Let me get right to the point. Chuck is a high-achiever. He handles himself with an uncommon degree of courage, discipline and resolve. He is a natural talent. His strong work-ethic and leadership style create such a unique blueprint, that he genuinely impacts the lives of others.

    It was after Chuck faced a life-threatening diagnosis years ago that his influence became known to me... it was then too, that I developed a respect for his perseverance and undeniable tenacity. He learned to champion his own life; he learned to inspire and champion the lives of others.

    Carol Wroble , Business Marketing; Dacula, Georgia

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