TestimonialsWhat people are saying about the Full Armor Baseball Academy

  • "Some 4 years ago, my son and I were introduced to Chuck Bushbeck and Full Armor Training. Matt was about 15 at the time, a tall, lanky, hard throwing left-hander who could throw a strike from center field, but was a bit, let's say, inconsistent from the mound. We had been to other trainers, and quickly realized that most did not have Matt's best interest foremost in mind.

    "I remember our first Full Armor session vividly. Matt called it the "Rocky Gym." "Just so you know, we don't take on every kid that walks in here. If we don't think you have what it takes, we're not going to waste your time and money or our time. On the other hand, if we see ability, we'll give 110% and expect the same from you." OK, so maybe this isn't the "Dale Carnegie" approach to bringing on new clients, but it was refreshing to hear. These guys were really interested in my kids' well being."

    "Needless to say, Matt did make the cut, so to speak. He quickly developed a bond with Chuck Bushbeck, who became not only a trainer, but a "life mentor" to my son. Chuck Bushbeck and his academy staff have been there for Matt during good times and bad, through the ups and downs, and God willing, will be able to see him through his college years and beyond. They are a true inspiration.

    "I am forever grateful not only for the man they are helping grow my son into, but for their friendship and inspiration. Thanks "Full Armor," for all that you do."

    Bill Gall

  • "My husband and I took our son, Kyle, to see Chuck Bushbeck approximately 3 years ago. Kyle was having pain in his pitching arm. We took him to an orthopedic surgeon, who suggested rest. After resting for 3 months, he started pitching again and the pain came back. We went back to the surgeon and Kyle was sent to Physical Therapy. Kyle did Physical Therapy for 8 weeks. Kyle started back pitching and after a month the pain was back. Kyle's pitching coach, Chuck Bechtel, suggested he see Chuck Bushbeck to check out his mechanics. My husband was amazed. Chuck saw Kyle throw three times and knew right away what his problem was. It was all mechanics. Kyle continues to see Chuck to fine-tune his mechanics in pitching...Best of all, the pain has gone away."

    Lorraine Rosenberg , Classroom Assistant at Lawton School, Philadelphia School District

    "Chuck Bushbeck delivers the highest level of pitching instruction available in the U.S. right here in Philadelphia. My 15 year old son has worked with several instructors. No one has focused on and communicated the mechanics of pitching better than Chuck. We have learned that proper mechanics are the key to performance and longevity. His combination of expertise, patience and commitment is unmatched. Chuck Bushbeck has spent considerable time talking with Jason about his mental approach to pitching, baseball, and life. There is no doubt Jason will rely on these skills and be a better person for it no matter where he winds up."

    Greg McMahon

  • I have sent my sons to different training facilities in New Jersey and Buck County, but none of them matched what Chuck Bushbeck has done for my sons and me as a coach.

    Thomas Burgmann

  • From what I have personally seen, you have made great strides with not only my son, but all young people you have come in contact with.

    Frank Connelly President, Northeast Peanut League

  • Shane's confidence in himself during all sporting events, as well as his excellent grades in St. Matthew School can, in part, be attributed to Chuck Bushbeck.

    Mark Mc Cafferty

  • Bushbeck's program would be a valuable asset to the community and to the youth of this city through, not only the use of sports, but positive affirmation that will follow these individuals through life.

    Steven Carr 8th Police District

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